Eat Your Favorite Foods: And Lose Weight
How many times have you started a diet, determined to lose weight, by taking extreme measures? This could be a starvation diet, going as long as possible through your day without eating, taking appetite suppressant pills, teas, and sprays, or cutting out certain foods completely like carbohydrates. Perhaps you’ve adopted high fat and high protein diets that leave you feeling desperate and unhealthy, or... -
4 Steps to Learn to Love Your Body
Learning to love yourself: it really is the greatest love of all. It has been said so much it is almost a cliche. Oftentimes, those claiming to have transformed their bodies seem hell-bent on obsessively pursuing an inhuman perfection in a way that seems, shall we say, less than loving? When we talk about learning to love ourselves, can we really separate the body... -
The Best Types of Exercise for Weight Loss
Congratulations! If you are reading this, then you have made a decision to take steps towards becoming the best possible version of you! There are many different ways to lose weight, but incorporating exercise shows a commitment to your overall health, beyond just your appearance. Plus, when you exercise while dieting, you can watch in amazement as you shed pounds, revealing newly formed muscles...